Meditation Essentials

Experience your Soul

Yes, Please!

The #1 reason people don't think Meditation is for them

And why you are free to weave meditation into your life however it works for you :)

A roadmap for your Meditation Journey

From it's various benefits, to where you can take your practice as you become more and more experienced, this course is a robust foundation that will encourage you to blossom into your Soul's fullest expression

This incredible course is for YOU if: 

  • you're new to meditating and want a solid foundation to start from, so you feel like 'you're doing it right' 
  • if you have experience with meditation and are looking to deepen your practice
  • If you want to get your personalized Primordial Sound mantra - your birth date, time, and location is required for this
  • you want your life to work better for you - to have more meaning and purpose, to enjoy it all more. 

By quieting down the mind, you'll tap into your Inner Wisdom.  Trusting your Inner Wisdom is incredibly transformative - take control of your life today by harnessing the power of meditation to infuse your life with Grace, Synchronicity, Spontaneity and Joy!

Learn more about one of the most powerful tools we have to change our reality, to create the life of our dreams - the possibilities are limitless :)

"I most enjoy how genuine YOU are Lisa...most real, down to earth and varied meditations I have chosen to be part of my journey. Thank you, thank you, thank you."

~ anonymous

"My mood has shifted noticeably. Just feel more in the flow. Laugh more. More connected with myself. Thank-you! "

~ Sarah

"I have tried meditation multiple times before but have never managed to stick with it. With you, it's different. I was also struggling with high blood pressure before regularly meditating and after a month, my levels were back to normal - all my medical professionals agreed that it was definitely a factor in bringing down my blood pressure. "

~ Heather

Deepen Your Relationship with Yourself

Meditation is an invaluable tool that will help you navigate stress, anxiety, overwhelm, health issues, and relationships.   

Give yourself a Truly meaningful gift.  You are worth it.  

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My life looked a lot different before I consistently meditated..

It was 5 or more years ago now and I was at my wits end trying to figure out how to handle a very difficult person at work.  I was exhausted with the insanity this person was creating and felt like quitting.  It had been months and months of stress.  I had been too busy to meditate at all, between my 3 kids and the work ridiculousness during the day - by the time I put them to bed, I'd fall asleep instantly when my head hit the sheets, only to wake up around 3am with my mind going around and around in circles trying to solve seemingly unsolvable problems. 

One day when I was truly done with it all, I couldn't spend another minute trying to figure out how to resolve the issues with this difficult person, I was finally ready to give it up to God or the universe or whatever resonates for you.  I sat down before I went to bed and began to meditate. 

It was like sweet relief.  My mind started to slow down and quiet down for the first time in A G E S.  Aaaahhhh.  I could feel it infusing me with new energy, energy that wasn't sourced from my body (because I certainly didn't have any extra to spare). 

It was incredibly restorative.  

I slept better that night than I had in months.  I felt renewed energy to continue to show up at work and just step by step trust that somehow this difficult person would stop creating so much chaos in my professional life. 

Now, I kid you not. 

The very next day, I found out that the difficult person had transferred projects and was no longer involved with the project I was on at all.  

My jaw hit the ground.  

That was fast!!  And I don't believe in coincidences but I do believe in synchronicities. I couldn't believe it but I could also completely believe it.  

Thank-god!!  And I also picked up my regular meditation practice again to maintain the magic I'd just experienced! :)  Cause after that, I had renewed interest in having this powerful practice in my court!  

This story is just one example of the way meditation has very positively impacted my life.  And it has for many others as well.  

I'm here to give you permission to want more out of life than to just feel constantly drained, to feel endlessly pulled in so many directions, and left wondering where all your time went over the years. 

This powerful tool will serve you again and again as you journey through life, and deepen into a consistent meditation practice.   

Sign me up!

What this course includes:

 This is a self study course - that you'll have lifetime access to, this course also includes a guidebook pdf.  The video lessons are pre-recorded (most videos are 10mins long so they are easy to digest) so you can learn at your own pace & at your convenience - or binge watch them all - it's up to you!  

The course is broken into 6 main sections:

  • The Basics: benefits of meditation & origins of Primordial Sound Meditation
  • From Stressed out to Unlimited Potential: background on how stress is experienced and how meditation is the perfect antidote; why most of our thoughts are the same as the thoughts we had yesterday and how we can change that; and all the layers of life 
  • Mantra as a Vehicle: how and why we use mantras and how your Primordial Sound is chosen
  • Receiving your Personalized Mantra in a sacred ceremony: Preparing a sacred/meaningful space for receiving your personalized mantra.  Receiving your mantra in a sacred ceremony and your first meditation with it! 
  • Perfecting the Practice: answers to most frequently asked questions - how, when, how long, disturbances, committing to a regular practice - PLUS mechanics of stress release & 2nd meditation with your personalized mantra 
  • Higher States of Consciousness: introduction into all 7 states of consciousness, as a roadmap of all the various experiences you can have with a consistent meditation practice over the years to come :)  And how to integrate them into every day life.  PLUS 3rd meditation with your personalized mantra. 
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