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Episode 26: Happiness Habit #9 with Meggan Watterson (trusting your Soul's blossoming & it's Divine Timing)

This summer I'm doing a Happiness Habit Series - these episodes are shorter tidbits of goodness, small/simple ways you can improve your general happiness and life satisfaction/fulfillment today :)

Today I've pulled a card from Meggan Watterson's Mary Magdelene Oracle Card deck. 

This card highlights the importance of us dropping linear time as a measure of success for our lives.  It encourages us to trust our Soul's journey and unfolding and Divine Timing.  Your timing is always perfect. You are never behind.  

Take it easy on yourself and let your world unfold as it's meant to - this is a key to feeling much less stressed about keeping up with others and constantly striving, endlessly and forever. 

The magic of the universe is right in front of your face, if you take the time to be present in your life right now.  

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