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Whole Woman: Your Journey through the 7 Divine Feminine Archetypes

This post is a brief introduction to the main 7 Divine Feminine Archetypes, I hope it sparks your curiosity and a life long journey into your own personal Divine nature - enjoy! 

All artwork done by @of_our_ancesters - you can find her on Instagram

The Maiden: 

Also known as: Greek Goddess Persephone, Snow White, Sleeping Beauty 

Symbols: pomegranate, flowers 

Examples of women who embody this archetype strongly: Mia Wallace in Pulp Fiction, Phoebe in Friends

Moon Cycle: Waxing Crescent - after new moon, before full moon - an initiating energy

Menstrual Cycle: Follicular Phase (time after menstruation but before ovulation - about a week) - new beginnings, planning, brainstorming, it’s an outward phase where you’re out in the world, action packed

Season: Spring 

Chakra: Solar Plexus - 3rd chakra (your sense of self among the world)

Brief Description: 

  • Eternally youthful, lives in the present 
  • Passive 
  • ‘Eternal...
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